Recently Released
Goals Reports

Comprehensive Goal Activity Reporting

STAGE: Recently Released

We are excited to announce a new enhancement to our Coaching Reports within Engagement Rx: the introduction of the Goal Activity report. This powerful new reporting tool is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of wellness goal activities, completion metrics, and demographic insights, helping coaches and administrators effectively track and analyze the impact of goals across their participant population.

Key Features of the Goal Activity Report:

  1. Report Parameters:

    • Date Range Selection: Users can specify a Start Date and End Date to focus the report on a particular period, allowing for targeted analysis of goal activity within a defined timeframe.

  2. Visualizations and Charts:

    • Goal Status Overview: A donut chart will provide a visual breakdown of goals by their current status, offering an immediate sense of overall goal progress within the population.

    • Goals by Date: A line chart will track the status of goals over months, highlighting trends and patterns in goal setting and completion over time.

    • Goals by Type: A stacked column bar chart will display the distribution of goals by type, with different statuses stacked for detailed comparative analysis.

    • Goal Completion Times: A box plot will illustrate the spread and variability of goal completion times, identifying typical and outlier completion frames.

    • Goal Activity by Keywords: A stacked row bar chart will show how goals associated with specific keywords vary by status, providing insight into the thematic areas of focus and their outcomes.

    • Goal Completion by Keyword: A row bar chart will detail the completion rates of goals associated with specific keywords, offering a targeted view of success rates in different thematic areas.

    • Goals by Demographic: A stacked row bar chart will outline goal activity by gender and age range, providing demographic insights that help understand how different groups are engaging with and achieving their goals.

Benefits of the Goal Activity Report:

  • Enhanced Tracking and Management: This report equips coaches and program administrators with the tools to monitor the effectiveness of goal-oriented initiatives and make informed adjustments to enhance program impact.

  • Data-Driven Insights: With detailed charts and metrics, stakeholders can gain a deep understanding of how goals are being set, pursued, and achieved across various demographics and timeframes.

  • Strategic Planning Support: The insights provided by this report can guide strategic decisions about future goal-setting practices, focusing on areas that require more attention or have shown significant success.

This new reporting tool underscores our commitment to providing comprehensive, actionable analytics that empower our users to optimize wellness outcomes and improve overall program efficacy.

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