- The Avidon Health team
Welcome to the Product Release site!
The Product Release site is a communication tool that will provide you with more information and visibility on what is being worked on within Engagement Rx.
If you look around the site, you’ll notice different columns that organize a variety of requests.
The “Release” column will show you all the changes or updates that were added in the last release.
The “In Development” column will show you all the enhancements that are currently being worked on for the next release. These items are in progress. These enhancements will show the exact date the enhancement will be released.
The “Scheduled” column will outline items that are happening in an upcoming release. When a request is moved to the Scheduled column, it means that the requirements and planning process for that request have been finalized. These items will show a release date. Exact dates will be displayed when available, otherwise, the quarter the enhancement will be available will be listed.
The “Planning” column will show you requests that were accepted but are not scheduled yet. The details for those requests are still being worked through to understand the requirements and project timeline.
The “Ideas” tab is where you can submit all the ideas, suggestions, and product enhancement requests. Within this tab, you can review any ideas that were submitted (by both Avidon employees and Avidon clients). When a submission is added to this tab, there are a few things you can do; you can mark its level of importance and you can vote on any submission to bump up its importance. These tools will be helpful when you have received feedback or when you see a request that is the same as the one you intended to add to the Ideas tab.