The Avidon Health team

Mood Tracker, and Introducing a New Key Feature - Challenges

AUTHOR: The Avidon Health team

Unlock New Levels of Engagement with Our Latest Feature: Challenges! 

Engagement in health and wellbeing programs doesn't have to be a struggle. Even the most dedicated individuals thrive with additional support and structured guidance. Introducing our groundbreaking new feature: Challenges. 

Challenges are dynamic, multi-week events designed to inspire, motivate, and engage your members like never before. Each challenge focuses on a specific health and wellbeing topic, guiding members through various phases towards healthier lifestyles. 

Recognizing the administrative burden often associated with launching and managing these types of programs, Challenges was designed to significantly lighten the load. With a suite of ready-to-use templates and an intuitive editor, we make setting up and customizing wellbeing challenges effortless, allowing administrators to shift their focus from managing logistics to enhancing member engagement. 

Key Features: 

Ready-Made Templates: Jumpstart your program with our library of 12 meticulously designed challenges ranging from our simple Hydration challenge to a captivating Winter Wellness challenge. These plug-and-play templates offer immediate engagement with seamless ease, facilitating a quick and effective launch of your health initiatives.  

Comprehensive Support: Elevate the overall experience with a blend of expert content, personalized advice, and motivational boosts. Our challenges are designed not just to inform but to transform, offering a supportive pathway for members to achieve and sustain their wellbeing goals, ensuring they feel guided and valued every step of the way. 

Versatile Engagement: Cater to every member's preference with options for both individual and team participation. This flexibility ensures that each member finds their spark of motivation, whether they're competing solo, joining forces with peers, or simply seeking to improve their health in a supportive, communal setting. 

Rewards and Recognition: Ignite a spirit of achievement where members earn accolades for activities like engaging with educational content, self-reporting offline achievements, and utilizing integrated wearables and fitness apps. Accomplishments are tracked and celebrated on leaderboards, fostering a rewarding sense of achievement and social connectedness. 

Integrative Page-Builder: Empower your vision with our intuitive page-builder. This tool simplifies the creation and management of challenge-related content, allowing you to effortlessly craft personalized experiences for each phase of a challenge. From educational videos to practical tips, it streamlines the way you engage members, making it easier than ever to inspire lasting changes. 

Seasonal Autopilot (Coming Soon): Keep your initiatives fresh and relevant throughout the year without the administrative load. Our eagerly anticipated Autopilot feature thoughtfully curates and launches seasonal challenges tailored to the time of year, ensuring your program remains dynamic and engaging with minimal effort from your team.  

Activate Challenges Today:

Unlock the full potential of your program initiatives now. Visit our dedicated Challenges page for an in-depth look, or directly reach out to your Client Success Manager to bring Challenges to your members.  

Note: Challenges is a premium offering and will not be automatically added to existing portals. Please contact our Client Success Team for activation details. 

Mood Tracker

With this release we add a mood tracker to our existing suite of health and wellness trackers.

Tracking mood is a powerful tool for self-awareness, emotional regulation, stress management, and overall well-being. It can help make more informed decisions and lead to a happier, healthier life. With members being more aware of their moods, they may be able to better manage their lifestyle choices, make informed health decisions, prevent or avoid triggers of negative moods, and work towards a better quality of life.

A Smoother Registration Process

With this release we have removed the requirement for collection of the Gender member property during user registration. By removing this requirement users will no longer be required to provide their gender during registration, streamlining the process.

For clients who wish to continue to collect gender, they may still leverage tools such as flows and assessments which already help to facilitate the collection of this property from members.

Communication is Key

Read the full article in the Product Communication Center - where you can also submit your thoughts and ideas.

Want to reach out to our team of experts on Engagement Rx? Click here for our helpdesk.

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