The Avidon Health team
Admin Flows

Major Enhancements to Member Search Functionality

AUTHOR: The Avidon Health team

This release, we are excited to announce several improvements to the member search functionality within Engagement Rx. These updates aim to boost efficiency while also enabling greater precision in searching for, managing, and communicating with members. In particular, the enhancements make it much easier to execute bulk actions based on selected member attributes, status, and activities.

Here are the Key Enhancements and Benefits

Expanded Searchable Columns

Admin users can now select from additional columns in the member search interface. These additions allow for highly refined filtering, enabling more accurate identification of member segments. New Columns include:

  • Enabled status

  • Language

  • Time Zone

  • Email Address Status

  • Phone Number Status

  • Contact Lead

  • Date Added

  • Various Activity Metrics (Added, Registered, Login) with specific time frames

Enhanced Bulk Action Capabilities

We have added checkboxes next to each member in the search results. This feature enables users to select specific members individually or in one click for bulk actions, facilitating more targeted and efficient communication strategies.

Increased Search Results Limit

The search results capacity has been increased to 5000. This allows for broader searches without sacrificing performance.

Restrictions on Messaging

To maintain system performance and compliance with best practices, bulk Email and SMS actions will be capped at 1000 selected users. Tooltips will provide guidance when these limits are exceeded, ensuring responsible usage of messaging features.

These updates empower admin users with more control and flexibility in managing their member interactions, making Engagement Rx an even more powerful tool for driving positive behavioral changes. To explore the member search updates further, see this video in our wiki.

Introducing Engagement Analytics for Flows

Finding ways to boost engagement is an ongoing and important task, and our Flow CMS tool now includes statistical engagement data. Each flow, and each flow version, records its own data which can be reviewed and compared, providing insight into the patterns, styles, and other methodologies involved in flow-building that prove to be more (or less) engaging for members.

Key Benefits

  • Get a Broad Overview of Engagement: You can see how many users start the flow and how many complete it.

  • Analyze Branching Path Patterns: You can view the activity related to your flow’s branches by seeing the paths that participants choose more often. Are quiz questions too hard, too easy? Are certain distractors completely ignored and unnecessary? Is the wording of a particular question unintentionally leading the user towards choosing a path?

  • Identify Drop-Off Points: You can see where users tend to leave the flow at higher rates. Once you see where this occurs, you can begin to revise writing and presentation styles to minimize drop-offs.

This new data lets you see what is working and what can be done to improve the flow-experiences, and completion rates, of your users.

Communication is Key

Read the full article in the Product Communication Center, where you can also submit your thoughts and ideas.

Want to reach out to our team of experts on Engagement Rx? Click here for our helpdesk.

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