The Avidon Health team

Autopilot for Challenges and Program Reports

AUTHOR: The Avidon Health team

Autopilot for Challenges

We are pleased to unveil the latest advancement in our platform: Autopilot for Challenges. Autopilot enables you to seamlessly—and with minimal burden—initiate the execution of a pre-set sequence of challenges throughout the year.

When you choose to enable Autopilot, you'll set in motion a strategically scheduled Challenge sequence, automatically issuing Challenges at specific dates to align with seasonal dynamics. With the simple act of enabling Autopilot, members will have a continued source of engagement with content and activities that they’ll find particularly timely.

Key Features of Autopilot

  • Fully Automated System: Once enabled, Autopilot will manage the challenge schedule for you.

  • Scheduled Challenges: Challenges are pre-scheduled to align with the most relevant times of the year (for instance, the Hydration Challenge during summer months).

  • Easily Review Challenge Themes, Phase Content, and Settings: View detailed information about each challenge available in the Autopilot catalog.

  • Template Availability: Freedom of choice. All Autopilot challenges can also be manually initiated as individual templates, giving you full control over your wellness program.

Autopilot offers a hassle-free solution for organizations aiming to reduce the administrative burden while providing a dynamic and engaging wellness experience for members. With Autopilot, you can ensure that your wellness program remains fresh and impactful throughout the year, adapting to the seasonal needs to help your members thrive.

Note: Challenges is a premium offering and will not be automatically added to existing portals. Please contact our Client Success Team for activation details. 

Reporting for Challenge Programs

With this release you now have access to detailed and summary reports for Challenges. They provide in-depth insights into your member's participation and engagement in wellness challenges. Whether it’s a step challenge, mindfulness program, or nutrition quest, our reports have you covered.

How to Use Them:

  • Celebrate Wins: Share success stories based on the reports. Highlight individuals or teams who’ve crushed their wellness goals.

  • Fine-Tune Challenges: If a challenge isn’t gaining traction, pivot! Use the data to tweak content, timing, or incentives.

  • Reward Programs: Points, badges, or high-fives—our reports can guide your reward system. Recognize and motivate your wellness warriors.

Our reports break down participation rates, challenge completion, and engagement levels. You’ll see who’s rocking those daily steps and who’s acing the meditation sessions. Armed with data, you can fine-tune your wellness initiatives. Identify trends, celebrate successes, and address any roadblocks.

Note: Challenges is a premium offering and will not be automatically added to existing portals. Please contact our Client Success Team for activation details. 

Communication is Key

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